Tuesday, January 28, 2003


some firsts are great. we all know what they are. your first kiss, your first car, your first child, and the list goes on. some firsts are not so great and in fact many suck. if and when we attack iraq, it will be the first time in our country's history that our armed forces will be set into motion to attack a sovereign nation that has not attacked us. the repercussions are unknown. this will set a precedent and possibly a new standard for what is acceptable in the 21st century.

the comparisons to other wars or military actions in modern history are not applicable. the united states will no doubt be seen as an imperialist government that is trying to dominate the world. whether that is true or not will not matter. what will matter is how the world reacts to our actions. my guess is that the world won't react very favorably and it will be a blow to globalization efforts that have been succeeding for a number of years now.

to try and calculate the risks versus the rewards of our nations geo-political policy is almost impossible. suffice to say that our nation will have to work twice as hard to convince the rest of the world that we are a peace loving nation that favors democratic rule and fairness.

have a grateful day!


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