Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Enough of the "bottom calling".The August 11th government & SEC manipulated short squeeze "bounce top" is in.
The July 15th Fannie/Freddie bailout bottom will be tested shortly as the latest round of unorthodox, unprecedented, & un-free market FED, SEC, & Treasury actions have failed & are resulting in a further blow to confidence in the financial markets.
Confidence, which Treasury Secretary Paulson has stated ad naseum is critical to the healing process, has been damaged further by his most recent actions & assurances.
The financial markets have swung investors around wildly as government leaders in conjunction with corporate managements have continued to openly manipulate stocks & then assure market participants that all is well. All this has done is compound losses & damage confidence.
Bottom callers will have to circle the wagons upon their return from summer vacations.

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