Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Systemic Financial Breakdown...IT's HAPPENING
The long feared & often talked about systemic financial failure is occurring.
The financial system is currently experiencing the results & consequences of a systemic financial breakdown which is whats causing the various financial disasters that are reported every few weeks on CNBC.
The financial stresses are rolling through the system in a systemic wave of financial failures. Many are not newsworthy or large enough to jeopardize the system, but they are occuring with more frequency.
The FED, US Treasury, SEC, & Congress in coordination with selected foreign central banks & governments are desperately trying to control & contain the damage to the overall financial system.
The nature of the the system; electronic settlements, counter party risks, leverage, securitizations, & derivatives makes for a difficult situation & frankly makes for a much less predictable situation & outcome.
The enormity of the financial leverage & embedded counter party risks along with the electronic settlement systems may very well set in motion an uncontrollable "event"...crash?!
In fact, I think that the system will need to be temporarily shutdown to prevent a financial meltdown.
Financial armageddon aside, the result of this systemic financial stress will be sharply higher interest rates, tighter lending standards, a weak economic environment, & a slower recovery.

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