Monday, March 10, 2003


its an all out sprint to start enriching uranium or build more nuclear weapons as fast as they can, hopefully before washington is done disarming iraq. seems that the other two countries in the 'evil axis', iran and north korea, are moving forward as fast as possible to put in place a sufficiently large nuclear detterant to prevent mr. bush from coming to there hometowns with the dauntingly large disarming force that is now surrounding iraq. and who'd blame them.

as we tee up to launch the largest attack in military history, saddam's buddies are preparing to prevent the same fate from happening to them. or maybe they will call out washington upon the attack of iraq, and let it be known that they really are an 'axis' and will support each other against mr. bush and the u.s. military. not likely but not out of the realm of possibility. if nothing else, both iran and north korea would like nothing more than to keep president bush from even thinking about changing the regimes in their countries. and the best way to do that is to have some weapons of mass destruction to keep the u.s. military at bay.

the recipe seems fairly obvious. if you have nukes washington will not bother you and may even give you more 'aide' for you to steal for your starving population. if you dont have nukes, the u.s military is on its way to make sure you never do and to unseat you from power. simple enough. thus, get nukes fast!

have a grateful day!


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