Monday, May 10, 2004


Dear Mr. President,

For the good of the troops and as a show of loyalty to you, my Commander in Chief, I hereby submit my letter of resignation as Secretary of Defense of the United States. I have tried to faithfully serve the American people using my experience and military expertise, yet I have failed in so many ways. I was wrong when I recommended invading Iraq prior to completing the War in Afghanistan. I was wrong on the level of troops necessary to successfully secure Iraq. I was wrong about how much it would cost to fight the war and secure the country. I was wrong about what would happen in the aftermath of a successful military invasion of Iraq. I was wrong about how the capture of Saddam Hussien would effect the Iraqi people. I was wrong to not more thoroughly investigate the prison abuse scandal, and I was deficient when I chose not to bring the situation to your immediate attention. I have been wrong about many things and it would be wrong if I didn't resign.

Thanks you for supporting me up until the end.

Your loyal friend,

Donald Rumsfeld

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