Forewarned is Forearmed
We are an amazing bunch of 'sheeple', as Michael Savage would say. Warn us enough about something bad happening that then doesn't happen, and presto, subsequent warnings are completely disregarded. Unbeknownst to us, and most gamblers, the odds of rolling seven with 2 dice each roll stands on its own, with no relation to what has happened previously. That's what odds are. They are not contingent on the fact that you rolled a 7 one, two, or twenty times in a row. Each roll stands on its own, independently of any history. So does the latest terror alert, which was received with an almost unanimous "not again" being thought by the collective American public, stand on its own.
This warning seems to come with some additional supportive "chatter", details, corroboration, credibility, and even some wanted photos of potential terrorists who might be setting up the attacks, but once again, no specifics on type of attack, time, or place. Just that it will be BIG. They have warned that the crazies may decide to make it a fairly large scale attack and may in fact use chemical, biological, or g-d forbid, nuclear type of weapon. AWww...Shucks, maybe one day the terrorists will slip up and give us the place and time as well. Another twist, is that even with all the extra information, the newly irrelevant Department of Homeland Security has decided that it is not necessary to raise the nursery school modeled, color coded Threat Level, from the everyday yellow or "elevated" level, to the more exciting orange or "high" level, which would trigger all sorts of extra security and precauctions, even though the Department of Homeland Security has assured the public that they will be stepping up security and alert levels nationwide.
Funny thing is, we just had all these congressional hearings about how our leaders and government agencies fouled up intelligence prior to the 9/11 attacks, yet now we have all this information, and we seem to be basically ignoring it. Go figure. As I watch all the news coming out, I can't help but ask myself what would I have been doing if I had very credible, corroborated, & kind of specific, information that terrorist were 90% prepared to attack our country in a BIG way?
Well, now we have that heads do whatever you would have done now. After the attack, it will be too late.
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