With Freedom & Liberty for ALL the World
Since we invaded Iraq, and the reason for the War was changed, the stated Foriegn Policy of the United States of America has become very different than it has ever been in the past. The new policy is simple "As the dominant political and financial player in the world, we will stand by and assist all people, in all nations to be like the U.S., by spreading freedom & democracy to all nations". The President has made the case that by doing so, and standing by any and all oppressed people around the world, that we will be safer and freer at home, and the world will be a safer and freer place to live.
Personally, while I am all for freedom and democracy, I am not really sure that I want the job or the responsibility to see to it that all people all over the world are free from tyranny and oppression. And, I am not sure that the rest of the world wants to be like the U.S. or live the way we do. And, who exactly are we to think that we can or should dictate to the rest of the world how they should live.
I think we lose sight of the fact that the U.S., while an important and powerful player in the world, we are very small and are far from the majority...by any measure except dollars. Our population of about 300,000,000 is a mere few 5% of the global population. Our Judeo-Christian belief system is the minority when compared to Islam and Muslim populations. Our lifestyle and social beliefs are shunned by most of the world population as frivilous and irresponsible and way to liberal...bordering on hedonism.
Now, I am all for our way of living...its the way I live. Yes I could be more religious, watch less TV, read more, and spend more time with my family, but I like my lifstyle. I don't think I am bothering anybody so, don't bother me. As for other societies and people around the world, I bet they feel the same about the way they live. And, while I am sure they would want the U.S. military to come along and dethrone their tyrant, rebuild their countries with all the latest 21 century comforts & technology, I am even more sure that they do not want any part of our lifestyle or democratic ways. They would welcome us with open arms and escort us to the door with beheadings & suicide bombs.
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