Friday, July 23, 2004

Any Chance He Spelled It Wrong??

With the recent "revelations" about Iran assisting, aiding & abetting 8 of the 19 Saudi Arabian Al-Qaida participants who attacked the U.S. on 9/11, it makes one think that maybe President Bush not only can't speak very well, but maybe he can't spell very well either.  If by some chance, in his instructions to his cabinet members, he misspelled Iran, that could explain why we attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11, Al-Qaida, or WMD's.  Iran, it seems, is the country that has links to Al-Qaida, helped the 9/11 attackers, and has WMD's!!

So, the question begs, why did we attack and invade Iraq, when Iran did the dirty deeds?!?!?

N, Q, what's in a letter.  Bet Bush didn't know who was who and just mixed the 2 up by accident.  Oh well.  No harm no foul, Iraq was on the list of nations to attack, what's the difference who we attacked first.  Won't really matter as it smells like Iran is next on the Bush hit list to throw the Axis of Evil off balance and win the War on Terror.

Just something else to think about as we head to the polls this November.

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