Saturday, August 29, 2015

President TRUMP...we may have to get used to it?!

So here we are 14 months away from a Presidential election that currently has no less than 19 total combined great Americans vying for the top spot with a couple more waiting in the wings.  Each wants to be the leader of the free world...unfortunately, none of them have a chance.

As it stands right now, a brash, out spoken, unapologetic, rude, semi conservative, reality TV star, billionaire, is in the lead and pulling away from the pack.  Donald J. Trump...who would have thunk it?!  The Donald that's who.

Mr. Trump has insulted politicians, women, Mexicans, John McCain, Meghan Kelley, hedge fund managers, with more to come.  And the more people he insults and upsets, the more popular he becomes.  It's obvious that his 'popularity' is unrelated to his likability or political skill.  We all love that he says what he thinks and doesn't care what who takes exception to it.  And that there is why we all want him to be the next President!

Me personally, I want to see him build the wall he talks about..."it'll be a great wall" he says. And you know what, I bet it will be!!  It will be called "The Great Wall of TRUMP" and it will have his name emboldened on it in big gold letters.

I think the Howard Stern Syndrome is at play here...more than half of the people who listen to Howard hate him...but they listen because they want to hear what he says next, they want to hear how crazy he will be, or what whacky stunt he will do.  

We all like that Trump answers to no one, can't be bought, tells it like it is and we want to see what he does next!  Even if we don't agree with him or what he is saying, and even if he insults us, we like that he says it without any spin or double talk.  

The country is sick and tired of the same old political bullshit that has gone on now for the better part of 50years...we are all ready for something new and different and real, the last few promises we got for that were not kept.

Maybe a President Trump will do some whacky things...ok, lets see how it works?  What we have been doing has not worked very well for the vast majority of the country...that is why we just actually might put Trump in charge.

President Donald J. Trump...we may have to get used to it?!